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Brandon Powers

A Million Here, A Million There

Yesterday I posted about a million dollar Independent Expenditure ad buy that the Indians had put together for Tony Strickland, and about a ~$66,000 initial buy that some high-tech business folks had done for him.

Today, the other $934,000 of that buy came through.

Given his almost 1.5 : 1 advantage in slates, now $2 million in tv, Arnold’s coattails, and how close this race has been all along, Tony has to be considered the favorite coming down the stretch.

One Response to “A Million Here, A Million There”

  1. Says:

    “Some high-tech business folks” quoth you. Oh yeah, that would be Intuit, upset because John Chiang has fought to let people file online for free (as opposed to buying TurboTax. I thought you YAFers had some principles.

    Here’s another comparison. Editorial endorsements: John Chiang 27. Tony Strickland 0. Even Parrish has done better.