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Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger on Reagan

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver were on hand at the Reagan Library earlier this week to recognize the anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s first election as Governor of California.  Earlier in the week we featured the streaming video of the event, and now (courtesy of an e-mail from the Governor’s Office) I am attaching a transcript of the Governor’s remarks.  As long as you hurry through the small part of his speech where he somehow tries to evoke bipartisanism in the name of Reagan (the Gipper would most certainly have NOT approved of ‘bipartisanship’ to place four massive bond measures on the November ballot), the remarks are pretty good.  The photo shown is the Governor and Mrs. Shriver with Nancy Reagan at the Library.

My favorite line in his remarks:

"You see, like me, Governor Reagan was an immigrant to California.  I emigrated from a small town in the mountains of Austria.  And, he emigrated from a small town on the plains of Illinois.  We immigrants hold California with a deep affection."