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Mike Spence

To win statewide in California

 How does one expain the loss of McClintock And McPherson? It can’t be ideology as these two thoughtful law makers have differing views on many issues. Both have run statewide and McPherson was an appointed respected incumbent.

One thought. In blue state California you need at least two things. A lousy Democratic opponent (Angelides or Bustamante) and lots of cash (Arnold and Poizner). That is one threshold that for this cycle at least was very clear.

One Response to “To win statewide in California”

  1. Says:

    the ca. gop has angered the base with bonds side stepping illeagal immegration fresno kern riv s.b. org. s.d. counties had low turn out , l.a alemeda counties had more turn out. if the top of the ticket keeps supporting these measures the base will continue to stay home on election day