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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The good and the bad of Election Day… and a look forward…

(Published November 9th, 2006 in Capitol Weekly)

When I offered to write this column for Capitol Weekly, I must admit I was hoping for a much different outcome on this Election Day, which clearly was a big day for the party of Hilary Clinton–especially when you look at the results of the midterm elections around the country.

The GOP loss of the House, and most likely the Senate, is bad news for all of those who believe that our federal government is too fat and spends too much. Republican leaders need to make the case to voters in 2008 as to why the GOP should be given back the reigns of leadership. The impact of the national GOP losses in Congress was given an emphatic exclamation point with the defeat of House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo in California’s 11th Congressional District.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: The good and the bad of Election Day… and a look forward…”

  1. Says:

    Get ready to “speak up”.

  2. Says:

    I agree with Karen England. You will be speaking up a lot.

    You state there was a “no new taxes” message. I disagree. As you mentioned, the bonds were bad news for taxpayers, especially the taxpayers who are yet to be born. We are killing our future and our children’s future with all this debt. And Schwarzenegger is responsible for this latest splurge.

    Concerning healthcare, when healthcare costs rise at least 7% per year, how on earth can a mature economy like ours generate a growth rate that could equal those increases?

    Schwarzenegger is out for Schwarzenegger. He did not appear with the other Republican candidates. He did not stress that he is a Republican. He stresed his own personal appeal and struck deals with the Democrats to get elected.

    Arnold did not address the structural problems, he’s made them worse with new interst expenses. He did not blow up the boxes in Sacramento, he made deals with the bosses.

    The best bet for Republicans is to use the Governor before he uses them again for his own personal benefit.

  3. Says:

    Found this at Attack Machine:

    When Republicans worry more about staying in government than about limiting government, they get thrown out of government. That’s the lesson of Nov. 7, 2006.

    The Democrats said: “Had enough?”

    The Republicans said: “It could be worse!”

    The voters said: “Let’s find out.”