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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Lunch Time

Next up, the California Dream Team Luncheon as it was being billed, on the West Steps.  

The Inaugural Ceremony was nicely choreographed, Willie was funny, he didn’t want it to end, he said it was the biggest audience he’d spoken to since the 72 Dem election.  Chief Justice Ron George did the oath, the Guv with his hand on the Bible and Maria on his arm.  Also, Governors Wilson and Davis were on the stage, with wives Gayle and Sharon.  Immediately after the oath, a choir sang "Hallelujah."   JillBuck did a much better job of reporting on these happenings than I would’ve, so I’ll leave it to her post.

The lunch on the West Steps was in a tent with a clear plastic roof, a hot house effect, or perhaps one of the first of the Million Solar roofs…it was quite warm inside.  George Schultz was one of the main speakers, the Guv spoke and made a lot of jokes that he’d probably like to have back, but it was all in fun.  Rob Lowe did some of the MC work as well.  I mentioned to Rob later that some of his finest work was as the "Young Number Two" in the Austin Powers 2nd movie, he seemed delighted at the appreciation of his acting in that role.  Oh, I made sure that my wife met him, too.  It was a very nice setting, a great meal and everyone enjoyed themselves in a fairly intimate atmosphere.