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Jon Fleischman

Maviglio’s Big Raise: Earned

There is a report today in the Sacramento Bee that Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez has dished out some pretty hefty raises for the New Year for key members of his staff. 

I noted deep in the story that one of these raises went to his Deputy Chief of Staff and spokesman Steve Maviglio.  I wanted to congratulate Steve on his raise, and come to its defense.  Clearly, as a fiscal conservative, I believe it is important to be prudent with taxpayer funds.  At the same time, however, I also understand that if you are going to hire and retain capable, qualified staff members — you have to be willing to pay them a competitive wage.  I seldom agree with Steve’s politics.  As a matter of fact, I am not sure that I ever have or ever will.  But I respect Steve’s talent, ability, moxie and work ethic.  While I can’t say that I agree with Steve’s dedication to raising taxes, increasing regulations and generally trying to increase the size and scope of state government, I will say that he is very good at what he does. 

Long ago, Steve could have lodged himself in the private sector and make a heck of a lot more coin, but he has chosen to stay in the public sector (where he can work to destroy the private sector).
Steve, with that big raise, next drink’s on you, buddy!

One Response to “Maviglio’s Big Raise: Earned”

  1. Says:

    Aw shucks. Thanks, Jon. And don’t worry: my support for tax cuts on upper income Californians remains the same!