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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

On So Many Levels, Our Governor Just Doesn’t Get It

This post partisanship nonsense is driving me nuts.  The Governor wonders out loud why "How come Democrats and Republicans out here don’t schmooze with each other?"  It’s real easy Governor.  They don’t like each other.  It’s personal.  They literally don’t like each other.  I suggest you spend some time on the liberal hate sites, like the Daily Kos, so you can read all the angry hateful posts from the left.  They don’t believe in defending this country, and they don’t believe our President is legitimately elected – either time.  They wish death to Dick Cheney.  They openly root for our defeat against terrorists.  What is there to Schmooze about, sir?  The elected officials on the left are listening to their base.  Do you  know who their base is, sir?  They shout down conservative speakers on campus, protest the war against terrorism, and heap anger and misery everywhere they go.

So the President needs to move to the center?  Really?  Just what the hell are record deficits driven by out of control federal spending?  What do you call Medicare Part D?  What about lack of border enforcement?  How about failing to go get our own energy supplies in Alaska?  I don’t know how much more to the "center" the Republicans can go.  Their "centrism", or lack of pursuit of a conservative agenda, is exactly why they lost the Congress!

And this "greenhouse gas" business is just a load of crap!  Understand this, dear Governor:  liberals hate conservatives.  It doesn’t matter what we do, or what policies we pursue.  The best way to deal with them is smash mouth, take no prisoners politics.  You tried it in 2005, and thank you for doing so.  But you are now just the latest in a long line to abandon your core beliefs in limited government.  The debt you leave this State in due to Gray Davis like spending, and record bond issues, will be your legacy.  Is this what post partisanship is all about?