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Jennifer Nelson

Izumi vs. A Hollywood Bimbo

My friend Lance Izumi, director of the Pacific Research Institute’s California Education Studies, recently was on a locally produced version of "The View" and over the weekend sent me a link to the video.

For anyone who is at all interested in education policy, this is a hysterical video to watch.  And it is even funnier if you know Lance, a perpetually polite and well-spoken policy wonk who knows a ton about California‘s education system. 

He’s interviewed, in this tape, by Spencer Christian, a local TV personality and host of "View from the Bay," and a guest host, Nancy Grahn, an actress who stars on ABC’s General Hospital.  Christian doesn’t say much during the video, but Grahn attempts to ask Lance hard-hitting education policy questions.  The problem is that the woman clearly knows more about mascara than education.  She has no clue what she’s talking about, but has been primed by family and friends who are teachers.  Lance, ever the gentleman, refrains from looking at her and asking, "Are you always this dim-witted?"

Have a look.  It’s another reminder why mixing Hollywood with public policy is not a good idea. 

2 Responses to “Izumi vs. A Hollywood Bimbo”

  1. Says:

    Too dang funny, and my compliments to Lance for keeping his calm, focused demeanor through her rants. I can’t believe she actually said “evidence, schmevidence” — and Lance managed to work from that to make a useful point!

  2. Says:

    I hope Grahn has the proper intellect level to figure out that she is obviously being used as a puppet of the ranting liberal left, but I doubt it. All of her “concerns” are straight off the failed bash-public-education playbook. She attempts to defend public education, but then admits that her own child attends a private school – typical subscriber to the “do as I say, not as I do” mantra. Then she claims that schools are overcrowded and underfunded. Again, both completely unoriginal thoughts. Lance Izumi calmly and clearly refutes those claims by providing evidence – not schmevidence – that charter schools in Oakland receiving less funding than other district schools, actually have higher test scores and student achievement. For those interested, I highly recommend reading Lance Izumi and Claire Yan’s book – “Free to Learn: Lessons from Model Charter Schools”.