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Jon Fleischman

More on the ‘Malibu Enviro-Actor-Acitivist’ opposition to an LNG facility…

Yesterday I penned a column on the wealthy ‘enviro-actor-activist’ community in Malibu that is rallying behind opposition to a proposed LNG facility off of the Los Angeles Coast. One particular enviro-actor-activist had his personal assistant and a friend apparently working some sort of booth at some event dedicated to their lefty-cause… and you have GOT to check out this tongue-in-cheek video taken my whomever it was that caught up to them…

I suspect that Pierce Brosnan has asked her not to talk to cameras any more! I actually am embarrassed for her.

Of course, while the video is funny, the hypocracy of the Hollywood Elite is not. They can all afford to pay any amount for their gas bills, so they have no problem opposing common-sense solutions to privide gas to the tens of millions of people here in California.