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Jon Fleischman

Nanny State, U.S.A.

For today’s Commentary, we feature a great column from Jonathan Garthwaite, the Editor-In-Chief of, a great website for conservative thought…


This week San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags from city supermarkets and drug stores. San Francisco generates an estimated 180 million plastic bags each year, and the city counsel wants them gone. Grocery shoppers will have to find an alternative within six months.

Reducing the number of nonbiodegradable plastic bags tangled in neighborhood streets and piling up in landfills for hundreds of years is a noble undertaking, but San Francisco’s government imposed bag ban is one more in a series of nanny state edicts from government upon the governed.

What’s a "nanny state"? If you want a dictionary definition, "A government perceived as having excessive interest in or control over the welfare of its citizens, especially in the enforcement of extensive public health and safety regulations."

A shorter version might be: Government acting like your mommy — like a nanny.

It happens all over the country.

San Francisco has an ordinance detailing how pet "guardians" are required to care for their dogs. Animal cruelty laws are a given but San Francisco goes a step further. Dogs in San Francisco must have clean water served in a nonspill bowl in the shade. Their food must be wholesome, palatable and sufficiently nutritious. Seems like common sense, but do we need laws to dictate the size and shape of our pets’ food bowls? What’s the penalty for being a lackluster dog owner? One thousand and/or up to one year in jail for a third offense.

Read the full column here.

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