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Ray Haynes

Let’s Really Stop Global Warming

This last week we have witnessed the declaration by Al (Sore Loserman) Gore that the problem of global warming is a "no longer a scientific debate, it is a moral issue." Yesterday, I saw a commercial that showed some old white guy who said that the "scientific evidence shows that the irreversible effects" of global warming won’t occur until thirty years from now. Of course, the fellow is standing on a railroad track with the train coming. He announces "that won’t affect me" as he steps off the track. The picture then moves to a little girl, who, the commercial implies, gets run over by the train. This obviously contends that an indifference to global warming now will kill our children.

As the rhetoric on the issue heats up (so to speak), we must congratulate the California government for solving the crisis. Less than two months after AB 32 took effect, California and the rest of the country have suffered record low temperatures. I am impressed at how well that bill has worked. Although, given its effectiveness so far, no further action is necessary to implement the bill, I… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rudy Giuliani: In His Own Words

Well, it didn’t take long after the post below this one, where I share an ‘Anti-John McCain Manifesto’ that was sent my way before I was sent a link to this YouTube video set up to highlight areas where Giuliani has been at odds with conservatives. Now, how long until I get something on Mitt Romney? ;-)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Citizen’s United releases Anti-McCain Manifesto

Citizen’s United, a conservative group based out of the Beltway, just released it’s awaited "manifesto" on why conservatives must not support Senator John McCain for President.

CU’s Advisory Board includes many folks whom I know from back in my days as an activist with Young Americans for Freedom, including Dave Bossie, Floyd Brown, and Ron Robinson.

I’ve attached the .pdf of this 20++ page document for your downloading pleasure.

Of course, I expect that there will be similar tome’s created on why conservatives should not support Giuliani, or Romney. And if they are made, and sent my way, I will present those to you as well.

Like I have said, none of the three front-running GOP candidates are going to be ideal choices for movement conservatives. But at the end of the day, unless we sit it out, we’ll have to end up supporting someone…

I admit, after reading through the attached,… Read More

Mike Spence

Mexican Border Town in LA County.

A Mexican Border Town in LA County. Is that some right-wing opinion or stereotype? This article in the LA Weekly, a liberal independent newspaper is a must read. Drugs, corruption, violence, we have it all here in LA! Read it here.Read More

Jon Fleischman


I spoke with a prominent California pollster yesterday who called to inquire about whether or not Decline-To-State voters would be able to vote in the Republican primary for President, should they choose to do so.

The question is not as silly as you might think. Several years back, after the United States Supreme Court tossed out California’s open primary law as being unconstitutional, a state law was passed that allows any political party to "opt in" to allowing Decline-To-State voters to participate in their primaries.

The California Republican Party made a decision to allow DTS voters to particulate in GOP primaries for federal and state legislative, as well as for statewide constitutional office, which has been taking place for multiple election cycles now.

But the Party Bylaws relative to the Presidential primary is abundantly clear. Delegates are awarded based on a tabulation of ONLY the Republican votes.

Of course, the CRP could always change its rules, but to do so at its next convention might very well place the CRP in violation of the Republican National Committee deadline for submitting its rules on selecting delegates to… Read More

Jon Fleischman


I spoke with a prominent California pollster yesterday who called to inquire about whether or not Decline-To-State voters would be able to vote in the Republican primary for President, should they choose to do so. The question is not as silly as you might think. Several years back, after the United States Supreme Court tossed out California’s open primary law as being unconstitutional, a state law was passed that allows any political party to "opt in" to allowing Decline-To-State voters to participate in their primaries. The California Republican Party made a decision to allow DTS voters to particulate in GOP primaries for federal and state legislative, as well as for statewide constitutional office, which has been taking place for multiple election cycles now. But the Party Bylaws relative to the Presidential primary is abundantly clear. Delegates are awarded based on a tabulation of ONLY the Republican votes. Of course, the CRP could always change its rules, but to do so at its next convention might very well place the CRP in violation of the Republican National Committee deadline for submitting its rules… Read More

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