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Jon Fleischman

Ackerman responds to threatening letter from Nunez

Fresh from his lengthy vacation in Greece, Fabian Nunez has sent a letter to Dick Ackerman where he apparently equates a call for his return to the Capitol to being "personally maligned" — nice. 

Anyway, Nunez in an effort to extend the budget kabuki dance further throws out that if budget negotiations are reopened, he and his Democrat colleagues will bloat the budget further with even more deficit spending.  Anyways, you can read Nunez’ letter which is attached.  Below is a response that Senate Republican Leader sent back to the Speaker just now:

August 8, 2007

Honorable Fabian Nunez
Speaker of the Assembly
State Capitol, Room 219
Sacramento, CA  95814

Dear Assemblyman Nunez:

As you are aware, the budget the Assembly passed on July 20th neglected to reach an agreement with either Senate leader.  President Pro Tem Perata publicly stated that he will not, and has not, brought your corporate tax credit package to the Senate Floor.  As I understand, passage of your budget package centered on the tax credits.  

The Assembly budget version is also $700 million out of balance.  We believe our responsibility requires passing a balanced budget. 

Since January our objectives have remained clear: a balanced budget that reduces the protracted structural deficit, prevent environmental mitigation lawsuit abuse and to maximize bond monies toward road, levee and house construction.

In addition, the trailer bills sent to the Senate need serious repair.  For example, your corporate tax credit package contains a serious drafting error. Trailer bill language also includes a misguided provision that would undo policies to control costs associated with state vacancies as well as new provisions related to construction requirements for state buildings that would drive up construction costs.

In addition, we have consistently informed your office of our concerns about frivolous lawsuits against local entities for not complying with non-existent regulations.  Attorney General Jerry Brown has threatened to file lawsuits, and in some cases has actually sued counties, infrastructure and housing projects under CEQA for failing to mitigate green house gas emissions.  These suits have been filed despite the fact that regulations have not been developed or adopted.  Unless addressed, these lawsuits will lead to serious delays in providing the affordable housing, new schools, and energy our growing population demands.

Because these potential lawsuits would use General Fund monies to hold up $43 billion voter approved infrastructure bonds, this is a budget related issue and we must address it now.

Your charge that my colleagues “personally maligned” you rings disingenuous. Open discussions of public policy and calling the Assembly back to work to resolve outstanding budget issues did not malign your caucus but was a call for civic responsibility.  Instead, while during your absence, your Chief Deputy referred to our caucus as “terrorists.” 

The Senate Republican Caucus intentions remain firm to pass a fiscally responsible budget. 

To achieve this end, we look forward to working with you.  Please do not hesitate to call.  



5 Responses to “Ackerman responds to threatening letter from Nunez”

  1. Says:

    How lovely and pretty coming from Speaker Nunez!

    What part of “balance budget” does Nunez and Assembly Democrats do not understand?

    Do they need to take Economics 101?

  2. Says:

    What part of balanced budget don’t YOU understand?

    Not only is this year’s budget balanced (as required by the constitution), it was the largest reserve in California’s history.

  3. Says:

    What’s $700 million of other people’s money to a Democrat?

    If Speaker Nunez wants to add to the budget the Republicans should demand more cuts, both can play that game. I firmly believe not a single Republican Senator will lose his seat for holding out for a balanced budget. The districts were gerrymandered in a way that they have no electoral consequences for spiting the Democrats.

    Hold firm Senator Ackerman as one of your constituents I support you 100%!

  4. Says:


    I understand balance budget.
    Revenues = Expenditures.
    No deficits or gimmicks.

    Don’t try to insult my intelligence!

  5. Says:

    As has been noted here previously, to say that the Assembly budget is “only” $700 million out of whack is a stretch. The real number is closer to $3 billion, as it relies upon using ~ $2 billion in reserves.

    Would it REALLY be so difficult to find another $2 billion in superfluous spending to cut?