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Ray Haynes

Don’t Throw Me In That Briar Patch

Senate Pro Tem Don Perata just annnounced that he would discontinue "work on all bills until the Senate Republicans vote for the budget."

Just like Brer Rabbit said;  "Don’t throw me in that briar patch."

Obviously Don was not thinking.  The one thing Republicans in the Senate and Assembly think about 24 hours a day, seven days a week is how to stop bill in the Legislature.  With the Democrat majority, no good Republican ideas pass, so the only bills that get out are bad Democrat ideas, or worthless Republican ideas.  Threatening to kill all the bills in the Legislature unless the Republicans vote for the budget guarantees that Republicans won’t vote for the budget.  It is the best of both worlds for Republicans, it stops an unbalanced budget from being enacted, and stops the latest idea for big government by the Democrats from ever becoming law.

He must be joking, foolish, or very cunning, trying to embarass Republicans with this threat.  The only people he will hurt are Democrat constituency groups.

Senate Republicans are to be commended for their stance.  A balanced budget is now a constitutional requirement, enacted by Proposition 58.  They are doing the right thing, and now, by standing firm, they might actually kill every bill in the Legislature.

Congratulations, guys–keep up the good work.

One Response to “Don’t Throw Me In That Briar Patch”

  1. Says:

    Thank you Don Perata, I can’t think of anything better than the state legislature not being able to pass laws. Please keep this promise!