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Romney in California (actually Iowa)

You would have thought that Gov. Romney was in San Diego today when he made clear his position on illegal immigration–no front -of-the-line pass to for illegals!  He was actually in Eastern Iowa.

"And with regards to illegal immigration, I want to secure our border, I want to have an employment verification system to know who’s here legally and not, and sanction employers that hire people that are illegal once that system is in place, and finally for those that have come here illegally – welcome them to get in line for permanent residency or citizenship, but in line with everybody else.  No special pathway for those who come here illegally."

Why is it so hard for other candidates to say these words?

One Response to “Romney in California (actually Iowa)”

  1. Says:

    Is it just a coincidence Adam that Mitt Romney all the sudden has all these conservative positions now that he’s running for President? I could have sworn he was pro choice and pro amnesty a few years back when he was governor. I mean I’m glad it sounds like he’s now for enforcing the immigration laws and against amnesty, but if it was this easy for him to change his policy positions on important issues, he could just as easily flip flop back to the other side given the political wind direction. My advice: grow a spine and have some priciples to govern by. Quit sticking your finger in the wind to decide what you’re for & against.