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Jill Buck

In Praise of the Governor

It is no small thing that the Governor vetoed the bill that would put the Iraq deployment on the California ballot, and he is to be praised for the courage and conviction it took to take this action. 

No one can deny that Iran is the biggest threat in the region. From their illegal nuclear weapons ambitions, their funding of terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad to their open calls for the destruction of Israel and the United States, their aims could not be clearer and they cannot be ignored. We currently hold positions on their western and eastern fronts, and can pull carrier battle groups in to deal with their southern front. None of the countries in the region want to see Iran fill the vacuum we would leave by pulling out of Iraq, but they are afraid of them. We will continue to build allies in the region through a show of strength and determination; therefore, we must not pull out now. Mistakes have been made in every war throughout history, but the fact that we’ve made some in this war is no reason to retreat. Despite those who wish to deny the truth, it is not hyperbole  to realize that  this war will determine the fate of the world , and the U.S. must  meet its responsibility to ensure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity and cannot retreat into isolationism in the face of predictable tyranny in such a crucial theater. This war was thrust upon us as much as WWII, but unlike WWII, the enemy is a stateless force that wants to impose its own totalitarian ideology on free nations. Yet  we must be strong, committed and victorious.