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Jon Fleischman

Sunday Thoughts: Nunez, Lewis, McCain, DeVore

  • The "Hypocracy Has A Name" award goes to Fabian Nunez, who has set his attack-flack, Steve Maviglio, on a mission of pummelling the California Nurses Association.  Presumably their crime is not being on Fabian’s "team" for his attempts to massively increase the role of government in healthcare (the CNA actually has their own bad plan – the nerve!).  Anyways, the hypocracy comes in when you look at Steve’s post here on the California Democrat Report where he accuses the CTA of "Living High on the Hog" — nice, coming from the Deputy Chief to Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez…
  • We often refer to U.S Representative Jerry Lewis as the "King of Pork" because of rather blatant support of earmarks, no matter how egregious.  Rolling Stone is a liberal publication, of course, but they have dubbed Lewis the "King of Payoffs" — but that isn’t the reason to click through this link, it’s to click the button under his photo and watch him morph into a rather nasty looking Star Trek character.  I’ve done it like 20 times!
  • As a Republican, I was particularly troubled that United States Senator John McCain went on with plans to hold a posh fundraising event in Southern California while wildfires were still burning.  This seems particularly egregious given that McCain likes tout himself as a man of the people.  I guess that would be the people of New Hampshire, not the people of east Orange County and San Diego, in evacuation centers.  But when Ron Paul raises more money than you, I guess you get desperate.
  • I can’t think of anything more outrageous than punishing those who take out responsible home loans for the risky moves of those who are currently at-risk of defaulting on their loans.  Assemblyman Chuck DeVore pens a great piece today in the Orange County Register on why a government bail-out is a terrible idea.  You should read it.

Have a great Sunday!

One Response to “Sunday Thoughts: Nunez, Lewis, McCain, DeVore”

  1. Says:


    Thanks for alerting FR readers about ironic hyprocacy comments-attacks from Steven Maviglio.

    Bottom line: ALL DEMOCRATS lives high on the hog, they just don’t realize that unless it is pointed out.

    Registered Democrats should be outraged on the lifestyle of their leaders, while sensible and reasonable Democrats work hard for their money to support their families.

    Once the Democrats realized they have been duped for so long, they will likely either revolt within their party or become a Republican.