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Jon Fleischman

McClintock heads Twelve State Legislators Endorsing Fred Thompson

A Big Pickup for Fred Thompson – McClintock signs on as California Chairman
In a Republican primary in California, clearly the gold-standard in endorsements is State Senator Tom McClintock.  For two decades now, McClintock has been so forceful and articulate in support of conservative principles and values that he has one the hearts of Republicans throughout the state.  McClintock has also been the GOP standard bearer in several election cycles for various statewide offices, and one wide-spread accolades for the statesman-like approach he took as a candidate in the Recall election.  In my campaign for Vice Chairman, South, of the State GOP, it was Tom McClintock whom I asked to speak on my behalf at the convention.
Well, just moments ago, McClintock stood side-by-side with former United States Fred Thompson in Sacramento and announced his endorsement of Thompson’s bid for the Presidency.  Thompson announced that McClintock would be serving as the California Chairman of his campaign.  Clearly this is great news for Thompson, as much has been made of the fact that conservatives have been having a hard time settling on a choice in this contested GOP primary.  Many thousands of GOP activists and donors throughout the Golden State have come to rely on McClintock’s leadership and guidence, so it will be interesting to see how many follow the State Senator’s lead, and rally behind the candidacy of Thompson.  
Here are Senator McClintock’s remarks…
I’m For Fred Thompson…

It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen a presidential candidate that I felt I could trust to respect our Constitution, defend our borders, reduce the burdens of government on our families – and at the same time that has the natural ability to reach the millions of voters who feel that neither party stands for these principles any longer.

Ronald Reagan’s brilliance was a combination of two things: his heartfelt belief in traditional Republican principles and his ability to communicate those beliefs to others.  He didn’t change his positions from one election to the next.  He steered a steady course and no one had to guess where he would stand tomorrow.  And because he was honestly dedicated to that uniquely American view of individual liberty, he could communicate it to voters who never considered themselves Republicans, but who believe as we believe.

After spending months watching the field of presidential candidates develop, I have become convinced that only one combines these two vital qualities.  For that reason, I have decided to do everything I can to support Fred Thompson’s campaign for the Presidency.

We simply can’t afford to get this election wrong.  I believe that our basic values and freedoms as Americans are at stake on the outcome of this election.  Every one of us has a right to expect something much more than the same establishment candidates that both parties have produced for the last 20 years.  But that right isn’t automatic: it has to be claimed by exertions equal to its importance.  And I don’t remember a campaign since 1980 that has been more important to the future of our nation.

So I am going to do everything I can to rally behind Fred Thompson’s campaign, and I hope that you agree that this is the most important chance we’ve had to renew the Reagan coalition for this next generation. 

If you haven’t already done so, please join me today at

Senator McClintock’s endorsement can be added to a list that already includes:

Senator George Runner
Senator Jim Battin
Senator Sam Aanestad

Assemblyman Martin Garrick
Assemblyman Chuck DeVore
Assemblyman Rick Keene
Assemblyman Bill Emmerson
Assemblyman John Benoit
Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries
and more…