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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

I Guess I Will Be The One To Ask

Here is the question.  I guess I will commit the heresy:

Is this Governor really any better than Gray Davis was?  Set aside Workers’ Compensation reform for a minute, his single greatest policy achievement.

He has spent more, borrowed more, wasted precious resources chasing idiotic greenhouse gas legislation, run the State GOP into debt, ignored his down ticket running mates in 2006, pandered to left wing social interests, and up until this year, dissed Republican lawmakers and their legislative priorities.

The State budget we are in now will go down as the second worst in history, right behind the disastrous 2000 budget.  Finances are cratering.  Spending roars on, and we haven’t’ even sold 25% of the approved bonds yet from the "infrastructure" package.  Once those bonds are sold, the state’s payment will skyrocket – without the revenues.

Finally, the Governor is chasing his tail on health care.  Employer mandates are a serious part of the discussion.  Meanwhile, the health care market continues to reform itself, without government intervention.  My guess is that there are two reasons why health care reform is a dead issue:  The economy is so soft we can’t afford another employer mandate, and;  there aren’t enough medical professional in California to handle the increased potential demand created by all the newly insured people.

While the Governor is out touring the State and speaking to various groups and victims of wildfires, etc.  I would respectfully suggest he stop by the Reagan Library in Simi Valley and do some reading.  He needs it.

3 Responses to “I Guess I Will Be The One To Ask”

  1. Says:

    Why is it that when this Governor has increased spending by 44%, all the pundits seem to think the problem is his refusal to increase taxes?

    Seems pretty obvious to me that increasing spending 44% over just three years is the root of the problem, not a failure to raise taxes.

  2. Says:

    Sounds like somebody needs another glass of kool-aid!

  3. Says:

    The governator is accustomed to sequels. The next one should be Recall2.