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Jon Fleischman

More Legal Trouble for Senator Don Perata? Scandal with the “Denham Recall” Effort?

The FlashReport has obtained audio recordings of Jeff Denham Recall signature gatherers, where it is revealed they may be from outside the senate district, which would be a violation of state election law.  READ ON…

Detroit is not in California’s 12th Senate District, and that could spell legal troubles for Senator Perata’s “Denham Recall” election team if, in fact, the signature gatherers working on the recall are not residents of the district.  State law requires legislative recall signature circulators to live in the district in which they are circulating the recall petitions.

The FlashReport has learned that volunteers recently recorded several conversations with Denham Recall signature gatherers where they appear to admit not being from outside the district.

For example, at the Target store in Hollister, one Denham Recall paid petition circulator says he lives in San Mateo County, which is nearly 100 miles outside the district.  [click here to listen]

At the Safeway in Hollister, another petition circulator admits “I actually do not live here. I’m actually from Michigan.”  [click here to listen]

A third paid petition circulator at the Target store in Merced says that he’s from Detroit.  This signature gatherer also fails to mention that the petition is for the recall of Jeff Denham.  Instead, he presents the petition as a way to fix Highway 99.  When told that the petition mentions a recall of Jeff Denham, the circulator responds:

“That’s just saying like…things that he didn’t do.  And then at the bottom of it, he saying like, well he trying, like, yes, I did do that.  And then all the people just sign and just, like, yes, we do want a highway.”  [click here to listen]

Meanwhile, a fourth petition circulator at the Walmart in Turlock tells a voter to sign the petition regardless of whether or not he lives in the district.  His reasoning, “go ahead and sign it and probably get it put on the ballot.”  [click here to listen]

We caught up with FR friend and uber-consultant Tim Clark, who is onboard with the effort to oppose recalling Denham, and asked him his thoughts on this revelation… 

He told me, "This recall was launched as a grudge match by Sacramento liberals who aren’t even from the twelfth Senate District.  Now it appears that they may be circumventing campaign law by sending outsiders to circulate petitions and attempt to mislead voters to get them to sign.  That should be a real concern for voters in the district."

Tim said that the Denham campaign has asked volunteers to be on the lookout so that any illegal activities can be immediately reported to the FBI…