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Mike Spence

Election Thief Now LA Election Chief

Last September, I warned that Los Angeles County was poised to name a labor operative that helped “steal” and election in Washington State as the new Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk for the County.
Well, Merry Christmas to all voters and ghost voters out there, it’s official. Dean Logan has been named as the “acting” chief until the search is complete. It doesn’t take a college degree to see that search that will probably find him as the replacement and if not there is always a recount that can find more votes.
Note: Apparently you don’t need a college degree to be County Clerk either.

2 Responses to “Election Thief Now LA Election Chief”

  1. Says:

    Both Republican county supervisors voted for this appointment, so perhaps
    we can HOPE they were assured this was an “interim” pick only.

    Republican Dino Rossi won Washington’s governor chair in the first 2004 count,
    AND in the first recount.

    Mysteriously, however, hundreds of “misplaced” ballots were later found in
    heavily Democrat King county (Seattle) changing the outcome and stealing the
    rightful victory from state senator Rossi.

    Dino Rossi will now seek vindication in 2008 when he challenges the governor
    nicknamed by locals as “her fraudulency”, Christine Gregoire.

  2. Says:

    No need a for college degree, eh?

    If one HAS a college degree, does that help his/her chances to be County Clerk?

    If so, Where can I apply?