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Jill Buck

Nine Years Ago Today…

December 18th is a special day in the Buck household: it’s my youngest child’s birthday! (It’s also the end of the "Birthday Season" in my house…my other two children have birthdays on Dec. 12th and 13th…we always breathe a sigh of relief when the youngest opens her gifts, and we’ve survived another year of mayhem and merriment.)

But each year when I open my youngest’s baby book to add new things to commemorate her special day, I see the newspaper from the day she was born. (Even in labor and delivery I asked that 2-3 newspapers be delivered to my hospital room…) 

Nine years ago today, I was holding a precious new life in my arms, and feeling unspeakable joy.

Nine years ago today, newspapers around the world announced America’s shame: President Clinton was impeached. I wonder what Senator Clinton was doing nine years ago today…

One Response to “Nine Years Ago Today…”

  1. Says:


    According to the account below, Hillary Clinton spent that day (1) standing next
    to Bill Clinton to show support and (2) making her own closed-door speech to the
    House Democratic caucus on Bill Clinton’s behalf.

    * This is the type of self-humiliation that Cyrano DeBergerac called, “eating a toad
    for breakfast every morning.”

    I THINK we can say that Jill Buck, bringing new life into the world, had a better
    day on Dec. 18, 1998 than Hillary R. Clinton !


    “Standing firm and upright, she appeared side-by-side in a potent show of support with
    Bill Clinton at the White House, as he vowed to stay in office “until the last hour of the
    last day of my term.”

    This after 1998 opened with unspeakable humiliation for the first lady when the flood
    gates of embarrassment opened with reports of her husband’s affair with Monica Lew-
    insky. Behind the scenes, however, she was reportedly the driving force in the White
    House strategy to stonewall investigators with legal shields and paint special prosecutor
    Kenneth Starr as a sex-obsessed political foe.

    And politics is something that the Clintons understand. “I think the vast majority of
    Americans share my approval and pride in the job that the president’s been doing for
    our country,” Hillary Clinton said, in a rare response Friday morning to a reporter’s

    Marsha Berry, Hillary Clinton’s spokeswoman, said that the first lady was invited by
    Minority Leader Dick Gephardt to speak today because the Democrats “just want to
    show their support for her and the president.”