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Jon Fleischman

A Tax Increase By Any Other Name…

I had a chance to meet Elizabeth Hill a few weeks ago. Hill is the state’s Legislative Analyst, and is considered by many to be fairly independent minded person.


That said, I was very disappointed to hear her spewing forth left-wing dogma where you refer to some people or products that are not taxed as highly as others as being a “loophole” — needing only to be “closed” to bring in billions more in tax revenue to state government.


No one falls for that rhetoric, Ms. Hill. What you are calling for are tax hikes, plain and simple. You call it a “loophole” that interest paid on home loans is tax deductable. We just call that one area where taxpayers enjoy freedom.


The reality here is that we have a huge spending problem in state — one caused by an escalating state budget.


The Governor and the Legislature must prioitize the freedom and liberty of Californians. The overall percentage of the GDP that goes to state government is more than is needed to fund a more than reasonable state government.


Elizabeth Hill should be suggesting cuts in spending, not encouraging a bigger, fatter state government.