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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

State of the Living Dead

The Wall Street Journal weighs in today on the Governor’s ridiculous health care plan (link might require registration) and really furthers my argument that the State Republican Party needs to actively and publicly oppose tax increases by asking each member of the State Assembly and State Senate to agree to a no new taxes pledge.

Besides blowing up the Governor’s call for tax increases related to his health care plan for the November ballot, the Party should also begin the process of raising money to overturn the ridiculous Sinclair Paint decision, which allows "fees" to be levied in lieu of taxes.  Look for the Governor’s "solution" to the budget crisis to be laden with "fees".  The State Party should try to qualify a ballot initiative to run in November to treat fees the same as taxes.

The Governor left the State GOP in a mountain of debt, crippling its ability to operate this year.  He ignored downballot candidates and refused to campaign for McClintock and McPherson.  It’s time to return the favor.

One Response to “State of the Living Dead”

  1. Says:

    I’m in agreement with all of this and I’ll go you one further: CRP — or SOMEONE — needs to ask each CANDIDATE for the GOP NOMINATION for each and every legislative seat to agree to a no new taxes pledge.

    In fact, if I had my way, I’d make CRP support of a nominee contingent on signing one. But that’s me…