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Jon Fleischman

Asm. Bob Huff: “Romney. Why?”

Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff recently endorsed Mitt Romney for President.  In sharing his thoughts about that endorsement, he shares both things he admires about Romney, and serious reservations he has about John McCain.  Happy reading:

First, the disclaimer: I’m a fiscal and social conservative looking for a presidential candidate who shares my values. When I first heard Romney, I found him to be very smart, articulate, and he connected with me. I was impressed with his MBA from Harvard, his very successful business career taking over ailing businesses and turning them around, as well as his success as a Republican governing in a very Democratic state – no easy challenge. His experience turning around the struggling Salt Lake Winter Olympics exemplifies his can-do attitude and abilities.

As the presidential campaign progressed, I had a chance to listen to, mingle with and talk with all the major Republican candidates. I leaned Romney.  Since I have my own State Senate election in June I decided to just stay out of the endorsing game.  With a tight two-man race between Mitt Romney and John McCain coming to California next week, however, I decided I should publicly indicate who I think would be the best leader for our party and our nation.  That person is Mitt Romney.

The Republican field this cycle had several strong candidates.  Thompson had the right positions, but no energy.  I have been impressed with Huckabee’s seeming rise from nowhere, but he is going back down due to a lack of an organization or funds, which are desperately needed to get his message out.  More than anything, it was John McCain’s rise in the standings that rocked me off the sidelines. I have a profound respect for Veteran and POW McCain, but I am troubled by policy-maker McCain.

As the field has narrowed the choice became clear.  Governor Romney is the remaining candidate that will truly unite fiscal, social, and national security conservatives this fall.  He is a Washington outsider that will be able to reign in pork-barrel spending, make the tax cuts permanent, secure the border, fight for victory in Iraq, nominate constructionist judges, and stand for traditional values.

Our nation’s struggling economy is fast becoming our top issue, and we are in need of someone with experience in economic issues. I believe Mitt Romney has the best training and experience in this regard. If you factor this in, as well as Mitt Romney’s business accomplishments, if you look at his political record, if you look at his family and demonstrated family values, and if you listen to his articulate plans for America, you will come to the same conclusion I did: Mitt Romney is the clear choice for President.

One Response to “Asm. Bob Huff: “Romney. Why?””

  1. Says:

    There is nothing fiscally conservative about endorsing Universal HealthCare, which forms the majority of Federal Spending.

    The expansion of Social Security and Medi-care created a rise in payroll taxes from 2% to over 15.3% in just 30 years.

    Here in California, where more money is spent than most of the 49 other states combined, due to the influx undocumented citizens.The state picks up most of the costs for Medi-Cal spending, because the Fed doesn’t reimburse us for costs contributed by undocumented women who have babies, which is why it is our largest expenditure here in California.

    Get it? We aren’t reimbursed by the FED for undocumented people getting healthcare.

    All these people who think it’s a human rights issue, constantly cloud the playing field, by blanketing over the fact, that the FED ain’t gonna help California taxpayers, pay for undocumented Universal Health Care. It never did and it never will.

    While Gavin Newsom’s plan, and State plans include undocumented citizens, they are pretending to plan on Federal reimbursement, which simply isn’t there.

    California taxpayers get bombarded with so much liberal media they have a hard task of discerning what is reality.

    This is the reality.

    It’s the same with Hilary Clinton’s plan. If she endorses Universal Health Care, to include illegal aliens, she will still have a hard time getting the Federal committee’s to agree to pick up the tab for undocumented citizens.

    Pete Stark knows this too. That California picks up one hundred percent of the costs for it’s undocumented citizens who get state and federal benefits.

    They love giving the appearance the FED is going to help them, when in the end they do not.

    Titania Jones