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Matt Rexroad

Florida Governor Charlie Crist was big winner

Tonight Senator John McCain won big in Florida. It is obviously the big story.

The story that should stand out to political observers is the impact Florida Governor Charlie Crist is having in his state.  Crist stepped up to endorse McCain a few days ago.  He helped shape the outcome of the race for President.

The key thing is that Crist is not just celebrating a victory for McCain tonight.  He is celebrating a huge victory at the polls tonight as his state just voted in favor of a $9 billion property tax cut.

California state government faces a deficit of at least  $18 billion.  Florida meanwhile just passed tax CUTS totaling half of that. Imagine.  I predict that we will see a tax increase considered in Sacramento before the end of the summer.

Look for Florida Governor Charlie Crist to be a regular name mentioned when Vice-Presidential considerations are being made.  He is a conservative that is extremely popular in a targeted state.