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Jon Fleischman

Paying Our Respects

After helping our friend Hugh Hewitt through security and to the “spin room” Nick and I decided, with a while to go before the debate, to pay our respects to the Gipper.

As I write this, we’re beside his memorial, where President Reagan sleeps forever. On the memorial is a quote from Reagan, that reads: “I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right wull always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.”

Stationed around the burial site are Cub Scouts (Troop 3732) asking us not to take any photos today.

Reflecting here, it is apparent that there will be no other President who will live up to Ronald Reagan. Nor should anyone try. He was one of a kind…

One Response to “Paying Our Respects”

  1. Says:

    Thank you, Jon. You are right, there will not ever be another Reagan. So someone tell these candidates for president to stop trying to be him.

    Be who YOU really are instead, and we’ll make our judgement from there.