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Jon Fleischman

Personal Moratoriums on Earmarks

While many Republicans are calling for a moratorium on Congressional earmarks, period, until the entire system can be overhauled to get rid of the abuse that is rampant in the doling out of federal funds for projects which are not objectively reviewed — it is certainly not the case that all Republicans support a moratorium.  In fact, many (like our own Jerry Lewis) want to keep the "pork-train" running right on time.. 

I wanted to take a moment this morning to commend the following Congressional patriots, who have decided to lead by personal example.  These Members of Congress who have declared their own personal moratorium on earmarks — they are requesting none…

The only Californian on this list so far is John Campbell.  But we’re hoping that more of our Golden State MC’s will follow his lead…

Jeff Flake (AZ-06)
John Campbell (CA-48)
Jeb Hensarling (TX-05)
John Shadegg (AZ-03)
John Boehner (OH-08)
John Kline (MN-02)
Tom Price (GA-06)
Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03)
Virginia Foxx (NC-05)
Trent Franks (AZ-02)
Michele Bachmman (MN-06)
Marsha Blackburn (TN-07)
Eric Cantor (VA-07)
Patrick McHenry (NC-10)
Marilyn Musgrave (CO-04)
Peter Roskam (IL-06)
Paul Ryan (WI-01)
Walter Jones (NC-03)

Tom Coburn (OK)
Jim DeMint (SC)
John McCain (AZ)
Claire McCaskill (MO)
Richard Burr (NC)
Russ Feingold (WI)

(h/t CgF Blog)