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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary from Steve Poizner

Today we feature a "Guest Commentary" — which is actually the prepared text of Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner’s address at last Friday’s Dinner Banquet at the California Republican Party Convention.  I thought it might be interesting reading, especially given that Poizner is often spoken of as a potential GOP candidate for Governor in 2010…


Let me start off by saying, “Thank you members and friends of the California Republican Party for helping to defeat Proposition 93.” 

Without your support and hard work, we could never have taken on the entrenched special interests in Sacramento, and won.   

We all know that Prop 93 wasn’t about reform – it was about power,

…the naked desire of a few to keep their power. 

And that’s why defeating Proposition 93 was so vitally important.

It sent the signal that the people of California aren’t going to take it anymore.  We demand that our elected representatives put the public’s interest before their own.

We demand a government that is transparent and responsive.

The beauty of our government is that it is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” 

The masterminds of Prop 93 mistakenly believed that they were above the people. 

They were wrong – and we, the voters let them know it.  

Let’s remember how this started.

After Nancy Pelosi and Sacramento Democrats killed Proposition 77 in 2005, Speaker Fabian Nunez and Senator Pro Tem Don Perata repeatedly promised that, under their leadership, the legislature would put a fair redistricting proposal on the ballot. 

“Just watch us,” they said.

Well . . . we watched.  And we waited. 

And while we waited they talked about it.  And talked . . .  and talked.

But they didn’t deliver.

But while they were talking, they quietly went out and qualified a term limits initiative – one that extended their terms in office. 

And they got Jerry Brown to give it a very deceiving ballot title and summary. 

The Speaker then went out and shook down all the special interests.  He hit up his friends and threatened his enemies.  They raised millions for Prop 93.  $17 million, to be exact.

Someone needed to hold the entrenched politicians accountable. 

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5 Responses to “Guest Commentary from Steve Poizner”

  1. Says:

    With all due respect, Mr. Poizner’s commentary is devoid of facts.

    Let’s begin with his call for “transparency.” Where was the disclosure of more than $1.5 million in funds that Mr. Poizner matched from sources he still hasn’t revealed? Will you ever tell us, Mr. Poizner?

    The initiative wasn’t “quietly” qualified. More than 1 million Californians signed initiative petitions to get it on the ballot, and plenty of news stories were written about it.

    No one “got” the Attorney General to write a “deceiving” ballot title and summary. The AG’s office acted independently. And two courts rejected your argument (the same one used by pollsters before it was written) that it was deceptive.

    Your charges that the Speaker “shook down” special interests and “threatened” enemies are baseless, insulting, and beneath even you. Did you “shake down” the prison guards union? Somehow you forget to mention all of your “rebel” bedfellows.

    This commentary reveals Mr. Poizner to be an ungracious winner who will say and do anything to propel himself to his next opportunity to buy himself an election.

    At a time when both the Republican and Democratic parties are nominating presidential candidates with intregity and honor, Mr. Poizner is sadly devoid of both.

  2. Says:

    Obviously working on your resume isn’t taking up all of your morning, Steve.

    Of course all of those folks with business before the legislature gave money to Fabian’s measure because of their “altruistic” desire to help make California a better place.

    And if you believe that Jerry Brown’s title and summary were not deceiving, then you bought into your own Big Lie.

    I can understand your disappointment at the defeat of the Fabian Nunez Career Extension Initiative.

    But that’s no reason to call names.

    Especially since it is important to trumpet loud and clear the important victory in defeating 93.

    And, frankly, Steve Poizner deserves to be able to brag about it — if it weren’t for his leadership, your boss would be in that office for six more years.

    Which certainly would have been a nightmare for his colleagues and for the people of California.

  3. Says:

    Re-read the Poizner post, Jon. It’s Mr. Poizner who is name-calling and fabricating information for his own political benefits. Certainly not becoming of a constitutional officer of this state. Unlike Mr. Poizner, the Speaker was gracious in defeat.

    Perhaps if Mr. Poizner spent less time patting himself on the back and emptying his pockets and more time doing the job he was just elected to, than he’d be earning the respect of Californians.

  4. Says:

    A great speech by a very knowledgeable person. What I’d like to see is two lists. The first list contains only those things that are essential governmental services. The essential services should be fully funded. The second list is the fluff – the nice to do things. If there is any money left over after funding the items on the first list, then prioritize the second list and fund the items from the top of the list down to the end of the money. Will this ever happen? No. Why? Because government is run by “stake holders.” The people who see a big pot of money, what some (or all) of the money, and fight like caged tigers to get it.

  5. Says:

    Congratulations, Mr. Poizner. You have stirred up the S-Dog. LOL.

    On a serious note, thank you for risking much political capital to do
    The Right Thing on Proposition 93. That took courage, and it was
    rightly rewarded!