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Shawn Steel

VIDEO: SFSU College Republicans Take On CODE PINK in Berkeley

[Publisher’s Note:  FR Congratulates Shawn Steel on his election as Republican National Committeeman for California.  As of today, we have "promoted" Shawn to be a "Statewide" correspondent for the FR! – Flash]

Sometimes College Republicans have too much fun. Presently, CR’s usually dominate student political groups on most campuses. The Left is lethargic and the only cores remaining are tenured Marxist 60’s professors who are retiring in droves. Since 9/11 a new generation of CR’s in rapidly impacting California politics. Already, graduated CR’s are holding important posts in the CRP and with up and coming politicos.


At San Francisco State University the CR’s are on fire. Besides suing the Administration, successfully, for interfering with the CR"s First Amendment rights, they drove across the Bay Bridge to challenge the crazies at the Berkeley Marine recruiting center last week…

SFSU CR President Leigh Wolf and his colleagues showed up supporting Move America Forward (Chaired by Melanie Morgan of KSFO).

And for other **breaking news** for FR readers, my daughter, Cheyenne, of the U.S.C. CRs is running for statewide Chairman of the College Republicans, and Leigh is running for Co-Chairman. The ticket, naturally, is Beware Left.

Meanwhile, at the Marine recruiting center at Berkeley, Leigh Wolf pulled out his famous video camera and began shooting. But his pro American T-shirt attracted the attention of several communist (yes, real live communists…) thugs who threatened Leigh. This video is a classic and can be seen below… (Here is the direct link to YouTube.).

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