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Ray Haynes

A Real Waste of Time

I have to admit.  I agree with Governor Schwarzenegger that fighting over gay marriage is a waste of time.  The whole idea is foolish.  There is no such thing as a marriage between two men or two women.  You can call it many things, but marriage it is not.  The whole purpose of a family is to raise children, and, the studies prove (as confirmed by 5000 years of accumulated human experience), children are best raised in a family consisting of a married man and woman.  It doesn’t always work out that every child gets that chance, but the fact that it doesn’t work out for everybody doesn’t mean that government should go out of its way to screw things up.

The whole concept of  "gay" marriage is nonsensical.  Our homosexual friends want  the "benefits" of marriage, they say, so that their relationship can be co-equal to a heterosexual relationship.  However, society has granted the benefits it has to married couples because it wants to encourage a strong marital relationship for the purpose of providing a stable home for children, not for the purpose of encouraging people to engage in sex.  Sex is, indeed, a part of life (a very necessary part to sustain life), but it is not the purpose of a relationship.  When the importance of a relationship is defined by the sexual practices of those who participate in the relationship, both the relationship and the sex, are cheapened.

So, yes, it is a foolish waste of time to discuss gay marriage, Governor, but we didn’t start it.  World War II was a waste of time, but we didn’t start that either.  When someone starts a fight over something stupid, you still have to fight, or you lose.  It is not an excuse to say it is a waste of time to fight over an issue.  It is just a easy to condemn the left for starting this fight, as it is to condemn the conservatives for trying to finish it.  

But it seems that is the way it goes for conservatives.  When we fight a very real illegal alien invasion, we are wasting people’s time.  When they talk about a nonexistent global warming thing, they are protecting the future for our children.  When we talk about the theft of people’s homes, property and money, through taxation and regulation, we are wasting people’s time.  When they talk about creating another nonsensical government program to stop people from bobbing the tails of their parakeets (to stop cruelty to animals) or to mandate the nightly consumption of spinach (so that all people can "be strong to the finich"), they only have people’s best in mind.  Liberal policies, according to the Governor, no matter how foolish are not a waste of time, because they are sure to get him a headline.  Attacking conservatives for wasting people’s time is also not a waste of time for him, because that is also sure to get him a headlline as well.

Politics is not about headlines.  It is about doing the right thing for the organization of society.  And it is never a waste of time to fight over what is right, and to fight against what is wrong.  Gay marriage is wrong.  It is worth the time and the effort to oppose gay marriage, and to support those policy initiatives that will undercut the push for gay marriage.  The Governor will continue to press for cheap headlines.  We will continue the fight for what is right, and not care about what people, especially the press, say about it.