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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Public Unions are Public Enemy #1

Late last month, a federal judge ordered the state’s largest public employee union, Service Employees International Union Local 1000, to repay as many as 28,000 non-union state workers, who were not given a change to challenge the union’s 2005 dues increase to fight the Governor’s slate of reform measures (the unions were not excited by the measures which, if they had passed, would have averted the fiscal crisis we find ourselves in today).

It’s a bit convoluted, the process by which non-union members can get stiffed with a union fee, but the real issue here is that this decision by Judge Morrisson England, is so after-the-fact so as to be almost laughable if it wasn’t tragic.  Yeah, it’s morally right that the SEIU thug-bosses have to go back (under the Judge’s orders) and ask these state employees if they object to the assessment, and if so, refund them each around $135 plus interest.

But the point is that the damage is done.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Public Unions are Public Enemy #1”

  1. Says:

    It should be painfully obvious to all that the public employee unions need to be reined in. They are quite simply out of control. We must unite behind Lew Uhler and others who understand the damage these unions inflict.

  2. Says:

    Is this the same Lew Uhler who is working overtime, fighting to make sure Tom McClintock is not elected to Congress in the 4th CD?? Glad to see Uhler found his compass.

  3. Says:

    Read in the paper awhile back that some South American countries pay retiring government workers 100% of their salaries for the rest of their lives.

    Pathetically, the citizens of these countries prize a bottle of Coca Cola and watch soaps on TV in dank tenement buildings while government workers live the GOOD LIFE.

    California will never get eliminate budget deficits until government pensions and salaries are brought into line with MARKET REALITIES.

    Also, who made the rule that every person who comes into California is promised a utopian middle class lifestyle for just showing up…cut government services, charge fees for public services of ALL KINDS including education and health care and be done with it….

    Anything that is free just brings more moochers to California.