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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Advice to Fiorina and Whitman – Speak Out!

The Wall Street Journal has a brief piece on former Hewlett Packard honcho Carly Fiorina and the substantial role she has taken on in helping John McCain become the next President of the United States.  There is also a piece on the San Francisco Chronicle’s Politics Blog about former E-Bay Chief Meg Whitman, who is also helping out McCain, and how she is looking at running for Governor of California.  In fact, both Fiorina and Whitman have been talked about as potential GOP candidates in the future for office here in the Golden State.

Let me offer some advice to both of these ersatz California politicians – get out there and start to talk about what you believe, and why.  Especially in the case of Whitman (pictured to the left, Fiorina is pictured below) who was famously a decline-to-state voter until she re-registered Republican so she could vote for Mitt Romney in the California primary, there is great interest on where these two are coming from, philosophically and ideologically.  Why are they Republican?  What do they think of the job that Arnold Schwarzenegger is doing?  Do they agree with legislative Republicans that California has an overspending problem and taxes should not be raised to deal with this year’s budget problems?  A myriad of issues are playing out in California politics right now — and it would be extremely helpful for us to know what you think about those issues, and where you stand on then — now, as they are taking place…

There is a catch-22 here.  Word is that both Fiorina and Whitman have been “talking” to political advisors – great.  But the longer they go where they are formulating potential political plans in the shadows, the harder it will be to convince GOP activists like myself about the sincerity of their convictions.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Advice to Fiorina and Whitman – Speak Out!”

  1. Says:

    Great advice!