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Shawn Steel

The Obama we never knew: ACORN

With all the excitement about moonbat  Rev. Jeremiah Wright it’s easy to forget other aspects of Obama’s controversial past life. 

He’s a youthful candidate with a lot of history. 

John Fund’s April 29th Wall Street Journal  piece on Voter Fraud, Fund noted that Obama represented the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now [ACORN] on a voting rights case in 1995. 

That caught my attention. Does anyone know about ACORN ?

I sued ACORN on behalf of the California Republican Party in 1998 when a mob of 50 plus people  were brought to the CRP offices in a bus. ACORN  invaded our Headquarters, intimidated staff and conducted a sit down strike for several hours. The party was given no notice. Some of their members destroyed a $5000.00 Ronald Reagan portrait. I sued for the portrait damage. . ACORN retained several high powered attorneys from major downtown law firms [ pro bono] and we duked it out. They argued we interfered with their rights to free expression! How Stalinist. We argued they were invaders and vandals. We won.

ACORN has a colorful history of extreme leftist activism. Among other endeavors ACORN is a radical group promoting extensive voting registration much of it illegal and fraudulent. 

Kevin Dooley worked for ACORN, in Project Vote in Ohio September 7,2004. He  was a felon on parole while was indicted for forging signatures. In 2004, The Wisconsin Election Commission charged ACORN employees as part of a conspiracy of forging over 4300 voters. In the same 2004 presidential election, Mac Stuart an ACORN employee  in Florida reported several ACORN employees committing voter fraud. In New Mexico, ACORN employee Matt Henderson
exercised his 5th Amendment right when asked about other ACORN employees committing voter fraud. More investigations followed in Colorado, Missouri and Washington state.

ACORN is a serious Rev. Wright type of hate-America grass roots organization. 

There is so much more we need to learn about Barack Obama, ACORN’s former attorney.