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Inside the Beltway News

What a day–a late night for east coast return-watchers!

Drudge leads this morning with links to several really useful political news sources that deserve repeated mention here.  Politico, MSNBC, Time and ABC all publish "first read" items that are very similar to the Flash Report version 1.0 — an email or basic web posting chronicling the days news, spin and political happenings.

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) makes news by telling it like it is to members of the House GOP prompting one to call the speaker a less-than-nice name.  Also telling it like it is, the Club for Growth shares some differences of opinion with the NRCC, from today’s Roll Call (unfortunately, subscription required). The Gingrich-Politico piece is here.

Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-San Diego) is mentioned in an "at the races" update in Roll Call, here.

Continuing its bi-coastal coverage, Politico writes up a new screenplay being heavily promoted by HBO about the contested 2000 Florida presidential election.  Prominent GOP old hands James Baker and Ben Ginsberg earn praise from screenwriter Danny Strong.

There seems to be a battle brewing between senate leadership and appropriations committee members over guiding a supplemental funding bill for the Iraq war.  It’s covered in The Hill, here.

Finally, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Visalia) gains coverage in The Hill on legislation to ensure solider and vet benefits–his legislative efforts are based on an actual constituent casework story from his district.

In the "hope they have a good sense of humor" column, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) gets a prod from Wonkette, here