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Mike Spence

The Governor Chickened Out .. Again.

Today the Nanny State ban on drivers using cell phones without a hands free device took effect.

On my way to work a car just missed clipping me as I crossed the street. The guy was in a hurry and was distracted by the sandwich he was eating. I didn’t get a good look, but it seemed to be a Jack in the Box Supreme Breakfast Croissant with extra bacon.

This is why the Governor really chickened out. He wants to do big things. He has to protect us from ourselves. So he targets cell phones? It’s been done before and while a big deal isn’t new ground.

Want to blow up the boxes? Ban eating and drinking in cars. Blow up the Jack in the Boxes, McDonald’s and all the drive thrus. Pass a law telling automakers no cup holders for that hot coffee or Super Big Gulp. 

How distracting is it in a car when your drink spills?

Just ban all of them. 

Wouldn’t that make us all safer? You know it would, but the Governor doesn’t have the guts to tick off soccer moms getting Happy Meals or people rushing off to work. Let alone all the revenue lost by declining sales and losing productivity.

Government can’t or isn’t willing to protect me all the time. So if you aren’t willing to do the hard stuff, leave me alone . I don’t need a nanny. I’ll be fine.

I can’t wait to get in my car so I can text this to the Governor while I still can. After I get something to eat and read the newspaper.



3 Responses to “The Governor Chickened Out .. Again.”

  1. Says:

    You forgot….we need to ban having our children in our car with us. Children in the car are very distracting….even the 8 year olds in booster seats

  2. Says:

    To keep my wife from being distracted by my seven-year-old in the backseat, when having to look over her shoulder or in the rear-view mirror, I also purchased my daughter a cell phone and bluetooth headset, so they can safely communicate with each other while in the car. Perhaps someone should author some legislation to mandate that which I have done by choice.

  3. Says:


    The same thing could be accomplished with a walkie-talkie and would probably be exempt from the hands free requirement that only applies to cell phones.