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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Who is Abram Wilson?

Few blacks get elected outside of African-American neighborhoods. The last and only black Republican assemblyman was Frederick Roberts (pictured below, left), in the  AD 62, Los Angeles, [1918 to 1934]. Roberts was the first black to serve in any California state office. 

Abram Wilson is the Republican nominee in AD 15. Wilson was elected as San Ramon’s first Mayor in 2003. He competed for the Guy Houston seat against several other well financed challengers. Three  candidates  spent more than $ 895,000 trying to win the coveted Republican seat. Mayor Wilson spent only $ 97,000 and won the primary. 

Abram Wilson earned his spurs by serving in the US Army, received his BS in biochemistry and worked for Wells Fargo and Bank of America as a Vice President and senior officer for 30 years. He has two grown children. His wife Karen, is a retired dentist. For more information about Wilson (pictured below to the right) see his excellent web site

Naturally the dems will spare no expense from exploiting  vast sums they extract to unwilling and unknowledgeable union members. Dems see an opportunity pushing out the last elected rep seat in the Bay area. But the district in 2006 voted big for Schwarzenegger, McClintock, McPherson and Steve Poizner. It even went for Bush in 2004. Registration is about 39% each. It’s also encouraging that Wilson has hired hard working a very competent Steve Presson to manage his campaign. Few campaign consultants do a better job.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Who is Abram Wilson?”

  1. Says:

    Should Republican blacks get elected to offices, then they will entice black voters to vote Republican. This is a nightmare for the Dems who have taken blacks forgranted for decades.

  2. Says:

    Shawn, thanks for taking the lead in helping Abram raise the $$$ he needs to win. Let’s send a message to the Democrats that their divide-and-conquer, cynical racial politics is about the past, not the future. Abram won the primary on his merit, and now it’s time for the party to get behind him and create modern history.

  3. Says:

    Excellent piece. I look forward to your analysis of Gabriella Holt’s race for the 54th AD.