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Matt Rexroad

Senator Chuck Hagel — disaster

I really like the State of Nebraska.  Great people.  Great sense of community.

Every time I watch US Senator Chuck Hagel on one of the national news shows I am thankful he does not represent me.  I just watched Face the Nation from this past Sunday.  This guy  is the Paul Horcher of the US Senate.

This two term United States Senator would not even answer the question of the candidate he would vote for for President of the United States.  He has served with Senator McCain and Senator Obama for years.  He has dealt with national policy for decades and he can’t decide or doesn’t have the guts to say who he is going to support for President?

This may be the first time I appreciate Senators Boxer and Feinstein.  At least they are willing to tell people the candidate they support for President — even if it the wrong candidate they will at least answer the question.

This guy was actually thinking about running for President of the United States of American. What a joke.

One Response to “Senator Chuck Hagel — disaster”

  1. Says:

    Don’t worry Matt. I am sure Senator Hagel will be filling America in shortly on his choice.