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Jill Buck

On the Frontlines of the RNC Convention…McCain Mojo in Minneapolis!

Just try to wipe the smile off my face tonight! What a day it was in Minneapolis! This morning in the midst of the Rules Committee meeting, the esteemed Chairman of Georgia announced Senator McCain’s VP choice, and the room erupted in a spontaneous standing ovation and cheers. When it was time for the press conference, we recessed and watched the news together…one man and one woman from every state and U.S. territory…the chemistry in the room was reflected in our new GOP Presidential ticket, and the excitement was absolutely delicious! We clapped until our hands were numb, smiled until it hurt, and cheered with reckless abandon. We all felt that we were witnessing something truly great and historic. 
The McCain Mojo is alive and well in Minneapolis!!!

I must also report that my fellow California delegate to the Rules Committee, Bob Laurie, co-authored a very important amendment today that will enfranchise active duty military members in the primary and delegate selection process in our Party. It was bold, it was hotly contested, but in the end the amendment prevailed unanimously. California Republicans should be proud and inspired by Mr. Laurie’s representation of our state’s concern and devotion to our armed forces, and our willingness to go out of our way to include them in our election process. It was an honor to be part of the California delegation today!

For those of you en route to the convention, expect electricity! We’re on fire here! For those of you watching from home in the greatest state in the Union, expect regular updates from all the “Flashers” who will be here – I believe there will be six of us. Let us know if there are people or issues you want us to cover, and we’ll make sure you get “on-demand” Flash Reports!  (: