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Mike Spence

Palin Perfect Pick!

I’m shedding tears of joy.

McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin as his Vice-Presidential running mate is spectacular. Yes, the media will focus on her being well a woman. I understand that. But she is more than that. Palin is a reformer. She has a track record fighting corrupt sell out Republicans.
She has taken on pork barreling and big government

She is a sportsman, sorry sportswoman or is it sportsperson? Bottom line. She can shoot a gun.

Palin is pro-life in theory and practice. Here is her statement on the birth of her son this year Down’s syndrome.

"Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."

She has a another kid headed to Iraq.

And just wait until Joe Biden and her tangle on oil-drilling.

I am still crying.

6 Responses to “Palin Perfect Pick!”

  1. Says:

    Mike: I truly know what you are saying. Here is a kleenex my friend! I, too, am joyed and crying too.

    I am THRILLED to see Alaska Governor Sarah Palin chosen as the Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States.

    What a remarkable day for women!
    What a day for maverick streak in America!

    Governor Palin vetoed plenty of spending bills in Alaska and just what we need as our Vice President to tell politicians in Washington: You spend too much money and get real!

    Sarah Palin is someone of my generation, you have no idea how much this means to me and she will rock the Republican Convention next week.

    I hope she has everyones heart and mind to be our next Vice President

  2. Says:

    The more we learn about Gov Sarah Palin the more we like her.

    John McCain has electrified the Party with this imaginative breakthrough.

    His first Presidential Decision emboldens conservatives, evangelicals and independent women.

  3. Says:

    There is a difference between being right on the issues and being right for the presidency. McCain just took away his best attack on Obama of not enough experience by putting someone on the ticket who has even less! McCain has also just made his age and health a relevant campaign issue, he allows the Dems to say look who is a heartbeat away from the whitehouse. It seems pretty desperate to me.

  4. Says:

    Hate to disagree Sean. She has more Government Executive Experience than any of the four. Additionally, She will be V.P. not President of the United States like Obama. A couple years as Gov of state fighting party bosses and liberals is better than a few years in U.S Senate voting liberal.

  5. Says:

    You got it Mike. I gotta admit, McCain has done something I thought he could not do: get me to vote for him.

    Although really it won’t be voting for him so much as voting for Governor Palin.

  6. Says:

    Just picture VP Palin sitting next to Pelosi at the State of the Union. Wouldn’t that chap Pelosi’s hide.