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Jill Buck

Sharing the Good News

I started my day today the way I usually do…I read my Bible and prayed for all the people on my prayer list…until my kids starting fighting over the breakfast table, and I felt like I was in the middle of the Seinfeld episode with George’s dad running around saying, “Serenity Now!” In fact, the Serenity Prayer is printed on a coin I carry in my pocket: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” How apropos for the morning after this election. Last night, I was asking the question, “What happened?!”, and desperately trying to make sense of the past year and the outcome of the election. It was only leading me down a path of sadness and disappointment, because I’ve been so very proud to support Senator McCain all this time.

So this morning, I asked a new question, “What now?” And I asked it prayerfully, and not in hopes of finding the answer from another person, because we’re all tainted in some way by our election experience. Often when I don’t know what to do or how to feel, I look to my faith for guidance. Here is what I’m thinking about today, and my hope is that we can all ask this question with an open mind, heart and soul to realize that “all things work together for good.” Whether we’re Jews or Christians or somewhere in between, a huge percentage of us believe in the same God. The fact that we know anything at all about God is thanks to a long chain of imperfect human beings who have done their best to pass along the life lessons and principles of our faith. Some have passed along a message that made more people want to love God, and some have passed along a message that drove people away from Him. Many great things have been done in God’s name, and many bad things have also been done by people claiming to serve Him. Still, despite disappointments throughout time, there are still people out there feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, going to church, and telling people that God loves them. There are still people sharing the good news, no matter what.

Throughout this presidential campaign, there have been great moments I will never forget, and disappointments as well. But I choose to take the good lessons I learned from a leader I greatly respect and admire, and continue to tell others. I had the privilege to meet and work for a man who is humble regardless of victory or defeat; brave against all odds; loves his country and his fellow countrymen and women above himself; and is willing to work harder than anyone of any age at any time that I’ve ever seen on behalf of the well-being of people who might not appreciate it. Senator McCain is selfless, generous and compassionate, and he has started a movement among those who supported him: “Country First.” That’s the great lesson I will take away from this campaign, and I will continue to share the good news of Senator John McCain’s leadership example wherever I go, no matter what. 

God Bless Senator McCain for his leadership and inspiration, and God Bless America!