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Barry Jantz

Wednesday San Diego

Day after thoughts on some local “stuff”….

SD City Attorney… Aguirre is evacuated, victim of his huge mouth and even larger ego, mixed in with delusions of grandeur and a tad paranoia.  Jan Goldsmith will make a great city attorney.

52nd Congressional… Congrats to Duncan D. Hunter (now simply Duncan Hunter). Registration was tough enough to beat, add the name factor and the combo was lethal.  Virtually everyone knew this was over a year ago, except for a handful of Mike Lumpkin supporters that became constant commenters on GOP blogs.  And, every moment spent trying to convince GOP activists on a center-right leaning blog that Lumpkin had a chance was time that could have been used with real swing voters.  And, they say the blogs have no impact.

Bonds and Taxes… It appears that every single sales tax measure and school bond on the ballot in San Diego County (over 10 of ’em) was successful, poor economy and all.  Go figure.  Did high turnout drive a bunch of recession-proof voters to the polls?  Did folks say, well, things are bad enough, so what’s a bit more?  We want change, so we’re willing to give up more of ours?  The campaigns made their cases successfully, apparently, but conventional wiz just doesn’t jibe on this one.

SD City Council, generally… The voters wanted change, but given a chance to provide it, largely decided to leave in place the powers-that-be and philosophies that caused the city’s fiscal problems in the first place.  Go figure two.

SD City Council, specifically… One race, in District 7, appears to still be a possibility for reform candidate and Republican April Boling, with uncounted absentees the potential saving grace.  The higher the turnout, the more day-of voters went with the TV name they knew (“Troubleshooter” Marti Emerald).  The more informed and conservative-leaning mail voters may swing the tide back on this one.  Here’s Competitive Edge’s tally watch on the race (h/t to John Nienstedt).

78th AD… The Dem registration advantage is a bit larger than when Chula Vista Mayor Shirley Horton won the seat in the 2002 upset.  But, this round, with Councilmember John McCann and a Coronado Communications ground game, the race had its possibilities for the GOP.  In the end, Marty Block had an elected title as well (school board), independent expenditures went through the roof, and the high turnout very likely leaned left.  This was the mix to put the seat back in the column the Democrats had intended before the ’02 reapportionment.

One Response to “Wednesday San Diego”

  1. Says:

    Apparently, the Boling campaign has done the math and sees it differently….


    I would like to offer my congratulations to Marti Emerald on her election to the City Council.

    I would like to thank the thousands of people who helped our campaign whether it was a fifty dollar contribution or dozens of hours of volunteer time, I will always remain grateful for the amazing and generous support from my family, friends and neighbors.

    I would also like to thank Mayor Jerry Sanders for his support throughout the campaign. I continue to be steadfast in my support for the Mayor’s reform efforts and will continue to assist him as a private citizen in solving our City’s financial problems.