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Mike Spence

Why You Can’t Trust Moderate Republicans

Back in the early 1990’s all I heard about was how the Republican Party needed to be a “big tent.” The idea was to embrace anyone who wanted to be a Republican regardless of what that person stood for.

Of course that is how we get tax raising Governors like the one here in California. But what you also get are politicians that will put a bullet in your back as soon as the going gets tough.

Let’s look at John McCain. John McCain is no conservative. There are many issues where he went “maverick” rather than the generally excepted conservative position. Joe Lieberman reminded us of all those things during the RNC Convention.

So who stabbed him in the back? Was it conservatives?

Collin Powell. This guy was made by Ronald Reagan and then the Bushes (not conservatives either). An enormous amount of Republican resources were spent promoting the General. Unfortunately, he isn’t the only one.

Former Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee, and Sen. Charles Mathias Jr. , Former Congressmen Jim Leach, Cong. Wayne Gilchrest and Former Mass. Governor Bill Weld all joined the team. How much did the Republican Party spend on behalf of these guys? And yet they run at the first sign of trouble.

In California, it is the same story. Tony Strickland was in the only contested for State Senate. He is lsoing at this writing by 108 votes.

Who bailed? The prime lecturer of the “big tent” doctrine former President of the Congress of California Republicans Bob Larkin, former executive Director of the Ventura County Taxpayers Association Jere Robings and State Senator Cathie Wright all stuck the knife in Tony and smiled. 
The CA GOP spent millions on Wright in 1994 at the expense of Tom McClintock . And of course the ungrateful Beth Rogers, a Republican nominee for the United State Congress in District 23. Lots of GOP money spent there too.

Thank moderates.

In Alameda, the Moderate GOP establishment is challenging the election of a coalition of Ron Paul supporters, Minutemen and conservatives that were elected to the Central Committee.

Some of these moderate Republicans that attack Republican nominees are bitter that their Obama like views on social issues aren’t adopted or that they lost their races etc… Of course as the party of freedom, you can do what you want.  While conservatives will complain about the candidate or the candidates views, it isn’t very often where you see them during an election publicly advocating thier defeat.

But, why does it always seem that in close races conservatives are rallying to the nominee, even though they aren’t that conservative, while moderates are defecting?

If you are in a “big tent” with too many moderate Republicans, you should sleep with one eye open.

Ask John McCain or Tony Strickland.

5 Responses to “Why You Can’t Trust Moderate Republicans”

  1. Says:

    Moderates have messed up the Republican party for many years. Any idiot who thinks trotting out Meg Whitman or that Campbell guy will bring us a winner are nuts. We need a strong fiscal conservative, a proven unwavering risk taker not a washed up political hack or a deer in the headlights RICH business person with only an EGO to bring to the table. As far as Posiner…..appears to be an opportunist at best, shallow and wanton of power for power’s sake….Jerry Brown is going to win the next election. At least med fly Jerry has some grounded state and local experience and knows how to pragmatically handle the whack jobs in his party….so….save your money….stop trotting out moderates and want-ta-bees….it is pitful watching the effort.

  2. Says:

    There is a chance for true conservatives (Tom McClintock) to win statewide office once CA Rs shift from their Bible Thumpin’ leadership.

    What Spence is missing is the confusion between ‘true conservative’ and ‘religious conservative’. The latter will continue to be nonelectable to statewide office in CA.

    Californians, broadly (there are some subregional exceptions) just won’t elect someone they see as
    a Bible Thumper.

    “Choice” is a dead issue in CA and the sooner CA R’s distance themselves from it, the lower our taxes will be – because they’ll start getting elected again.

    I’m tired of the Bible thumpers killing the Rs and thus killing my gun rights and raising my taxes.

    One of these days the Rs will be relevant again when they they cease their near-autistic level of self awareness.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose

  3. Says:

    Just what do you intend to replace moderate republican voters with; martians?

  4. Says:

    The problem is you have social conservative economic socialists in the minority communities that help give Democrats majorities. If you want to toss out the fiscal conservative social liberals out of the party, then feel free to add the social conservative, economic socialists in the party.

    Problem is many voters do not trust the Republican Party. Even the voters who voted for 8 and voted for Obama. If you could figure out how to reach out to those voters, maybe a majority without the current RINOS can happen. It seems social issues are more important than economic issues in today’s California Republican Party. So let us reach out to those Obama Social Conservatives today.

    We have a two party system, not one particular party fits perfectly to many Americans. We choose political parties because a majority of issues in a political party fit our values. If people were purged because they did not fit 100% of the blueprint of the Republican Party, we would be a last place baseball team.

    Maybe we’ll have higher taxes, but god and country will prevail.

  5. Says:

    For many years some parts of the Republican Party have demanded 100% adherence to certain beliefs. They have held the attitude that you are either 100% for them or your 100% against them. This has resulted in nominees who will never win statewide office in California or any other state for that matter. This wing of the Republican Party has expected compromise to their view, only.

    What is left out in all the arguments, name calling, and tantrums is that certain parts of the party tell individuals who are electable to take a hike, even given the fact they will get 7 out of the 10 things they hold dear. Because of the support of the person who promises 10 out of 10 by that element of the party, we end up with a person elected by the Democrats who gives us zero, nothing, zilch out of 10.

    On certain issues, candidates promise not to advocate a certain way, will support judges who think in a more conservative manner, etc, etc. – but that is not good enough. They demand their pound of flesh and unwavering adherence before they will support.

    With today’s leadership in the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan would not get the support from many in the California Republican Party – go examine his record as Governor on hot button issues, first, before calling me names and saying I am wrong.

    We need to start building at local levels, support individuals who support most of the basic beliefs of the Republican Party and build from there, along with stopping of the attempt by some to destroy reputations of those who do not agree 100%.

    Remember, the current leaders have been on the bridge of the Titanic (Republican party) as it has slowly sunk in the Pacific. Maybe, they should look in the mirror.