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James V. Lacy

The Obama Economy

     Early last week the Dow Jones Industrial Average was above 9,200.   It has declined over 1,000 points in the last week, after Obama’s election, and settled at a little over 8,200 today with over a 400 point loss.  Are we paying attention?  Since the LA Times and Time magazine are caught up in selling commemorative editions, I guess not.

2 Responses to “The Obama Economy”

  1. Says:

    Since this started to happen during Bush’s term, Obama will just blame Bush no matter how bad it gets, and probably get away with it unless we call him on it and repudiate the fiscally irresponsible GOPers who sat back and let it happen.

    It may be complete crud, but it worked for FDR!

  2. Says:

    The TARP program is working so well that Treasury Sec. Paulson went before the cameras today to announce that they won’t be buying troubled mortgages anymore because it isn’t working. Nice. Thanks again for that bailout vote Republican Congressman.

    Allan’s stock tip of the day…we’re headed to 700 on the S&P in the short term. Is everyone ready?