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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The FR Crystal Ball says — No Deal!

Come into the FlashReport fortune telling booth, won’t you?  No, we won’t be throwing the bones or pulling out the tarot cards this morning.  This morning we’ll use the FR crystal ball!

Gather round and we’ll gaze into its depths…

“I see…  Chronic overspending….   I see…  Tax rates that are some of the highest in the nation…  I see…  Poor economic times and Californians who can’t afford to pay higher taxes…  I hear… Doublespeak where reductions in projected increases are called decreases…  I see…  Liberal ideologues in the legislation who see the redistribution of wealth in society by government as some sort of religious calling…   I see…   Democrat lawmakers scratching their heads, trying to figure out how to keep state government big and fat…   I see…  Republicans unified against seeing more shameless spending and tax increases that push California into a recession…  I see sham negotiations taking place where no meaningful resolution takes place because Democrats refuse to put up real spending cuts and a real and limiting spending cap proposal forward…   I see…  A group of retiring Republican legislators who will have never violated their pledge to oppose tax increases… Finally…  I see a dozen liberal newspaper writers penning stories that once again don’t clearly show readers exactly how much state spending has ballooned over the past five years…”

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: The FR Crystal Ball says — No Deal!”

  1. Says:

    All should review their history book concerning the fall of the Berlin wall….the communists and socialists in Romania, East Germany etc….had the HUNS at their palace doors but denied the failure of Communism as a economic, social and cultural force in people’s lives….and you know the rest of the story-

  2. Says:

    I look at the Democrats in the legislature and see a collection of mideaval doctors. They are looking at a very weak patient and have decided that the best course of action is to bleed the patient a little. And if that doesn’t do the trick, bleed him a little more.

    The Governor, having absolutely NO idea how to do anything has decided that these wise doctors must know what they are doing (otherwise they would not have been elected) and has signed on to their treatment program.

    I view the Republican legislators as observers who have an ability to stop the bleeding, but don’t really have an ability to enact a legitimate treatment program (serious spending cuts).

    This is where the CRP can step in and build a program based on reduced spending (remember: no sacred cows) and no new taxes. The program must attract popular support or its a non-starter. But we simply cannot just be against taxes, we must be for a solution to the problem.

  3. Says:

    Seems to me that Jon’s crystal ball needs a new battery. For example I don’t see a single word about what he wants to cut to bring the budget into balance. Thus, Jon once again goes off the rails to the far right.