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Jon Fleischman

Jon Feischman Announces Re-Election Campaign For State GOP Office — Releases Endorsements

[Publisher’s Note: Today I am pleased to announce that I am seeking re-election as Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party.   Below my announcement letter is a partial list of my endorsements to date.]

Dear Fellow Republican:

It’s been three weeks since the Republican Party’s worst election night in four decades.  Senator Barack Obama’s landslide victory along with significant Republican losses in the House and Senate requires our party to critically examine why we lost, who lead us astray and how we can win in 2010.

However, when you juxtapose the dreary national picture with California’s election results, our outlook isn’t nearly as bleak. As scores of safe Republicans lost nationally, California’s strong, Victory ’08 operation targeted swing districts and prevented a single Congressional and State Senate seat from switching hands. Thanks to the very powerful Proposition 8 effort, conservative voters had a reason to turn out to the polls. And Proposition 8 was proof positive that voters on the left coast are philosophically right of center. 

While we did lose three seats in the State Assembly, remember how the Democrats gerrymandered two of those two seats to their advantage back in 2002? No political analyst thought we could ever win those seats in 2002— let alone hold them for six years. 

California’s Republican victories stand apart from our national failures because our party promoted our principles, but that hasn’t stopped liberals from blaming conservatives for the losses. Our party has always faced challenges from liberals who want our party to jettison its conservative values. Like never before, this unprincipled faction constitutes an existential threat to the party. 

Consequently, our party no longer has the luxury of limiting ourselves to raising money, registering voters and getting those voters to the polls.  The Republican brand name is at risk, and party officials have a responsibility to act.

We must encourage our candidates and officeholders to promote our conservative principles. We must commend them when they do, and publicly admonish them when they don’t.  We must put aside self-interest, and sometimes even lifelong friendships, in order to hold accountable anyone who plays a role in the expansion of the welfare state.

It is for this reason that I have decided to seek a second term as Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party. I believe in our Party because I believe in the tenants of faith, opportunity, responsibility, liberty and freedom that are the cornerstone of the GOP. 

I am proud to have the support of numerous Republican officials from the Southern Region.   If you would like to add your name to the list of those supporting my re-election, click here.

Over the next few months, I will be sharing my insight and analysis of the past election. I will offer the road that our party must take in order to achieve our mission – which is to see our platform enacted into public policy at the national, state and local levels. I hope that I have earned your trust and continued support.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to a bright future for the Republican Party.

Jon Fleischman
Vice Chairman, South
California Republican Party

P.S.  I am always available to speak with anyone about my candidacy or issues facing the party.  Below is a partial list of my endorsements!


Steve Poizner, Insurance Commissioner
Bill Leonard, Board of Equalization
Michelle Steel, Board of Equalization
Dave Cogdill, Senate Republican Leader
Mike Villines, Assembly Republican Leader
Tom McClintock, State Senator, Congressman-Elect
Jim Brulte, Former Senate and Assembly Republican Leader

Congressman John Campbell
Congressman-Elect Duncan D. Hunter
Congressman Darrell Issa
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
Congressman Ed Royce
State Senator Dick Ackerman
State Senator Jim Battin
State Senator-Elect, Assemblyman John Benoit
State Senator Bob Dutton
State Senator Tom Harman
State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth
State Senator-Elect, Assemblyman Bob Huff
State Senator-Elect, Assemblywoman Mimi Walters
State Senator Mark Wyland
Assemblyman Joel Anderson
Assemblyman Paul Cook
Assemblyman Bill Emmerson
Assemblyman Chuck DeVore
Assemblyman-Elect Nathan Fletcher
Assemblyman-Elect Curt Hagman
Assemblywoman-Elect Diane Harkey
Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries
Assemblyman-Elect Jeff Miller
Assemblyman-Elect Brian Nestande
Assemblyman Jim Silva
Assemblyman Van Tran

Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh
Riverside County Republican Party Chairman Bob Richmond
San Diego County Republican Party Chairman Tony Krvaric

CRP Chairman Ron Nehring
CRP Secretary Steve Baric
CRP Treasurer Keith Carlson
RNC Committeeman Shawn Steel
RNC Committeewoman Linda Ackerman

The Orange County Republican Party
The Orange County Young Republicans

Will you endorse Jon?  Click here

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