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James V. Lacy

Some surprises on House Votes from California on auto bailout

     Lameduck San Diego area conservative Republican Duncan Hunter voted "Aye" on Barney Frank’s 14 billion dollar bailout bill for the Auto Industry (read: United Autoworkers), which passed on a largely partisan vote by 237 to 170.  But San Diego area Democrat Bob Filner voted "Nay."  He was the only California Democrat to do so.

     Democat Jim Costa, lameduck Republican John Doolittle, conservative Republican Dana Rohrabacher, Republican Gary Miller, all were listed among the 26 Members of Congress "Not Voting" on the measure.

     Republicans Darryl Issa, David Drier, Buck McKeon, Elton Gallegly, Ed Royce, Ken Calvert, Brian Bilbray, Mary Bono Mack, Wally Herger, Jerry Lewis, Dan Lungren, and most all other Republicans were recorded as voting "Nay."

     And Orange County’s Republican John Campbell, was present, but did not vote on the bill.  In otherwords, he was there for the vote, but didn’t vote "Aye" or "Nay."  He voted "Present."   He was the only Member of Congress to do so.

4 Responses to “Some surprises on House Votes from California on auto bailout”

  1. Says:

    I believe Rohrabacher is in Russia, but issued a statement saying he was against the bail-out. John Campbell reportedly didn’t vote because of conflict of interest citing his ownership of auto dealerships.

  2. Says:

    Thank you Jim for the post and the information. I agree with you – some of those votes are surprises. Kudos to those Congressmen / women who voted no on the bailout.

  3. Says:

    Sean, as a political lawyer I can say that there is no conflict of interest when one votes “Nay” on this legislation. The conflict only occurs if one wants to vote “Aye.”

  4. Says:

    Just saying what he claimed in the paper. He pissed me off when he voted for the wall street bailout.