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Jon Fleischman

Seasons Greetings From The FlashReport!

We would like to wish our readers a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hannukah, and a great New Years.   The FlashReport is currently in our "holiday break" mode, where we offer much more limited coverage.  This takes place annually from the Saturday before Christmas through New Years Day.  Traditionally the political news coverage is very slow, and it gives the elves here a chance to recharge their batteries before we return full steam ahead on January 2nd.
The FlashReport Weblog on California Politics will be up and running during our seasonal break, and so we encourage you to keep an eye on it. 
Thank you so much for making 2008 the most successful year yet, by any measurable standard, for the FlashReport.  We had more blog posts and more featured columns than any other year.  We’ve had more readers (by far) than we’ve had since we began as an e-mail newsletter in 2001.  We’ve had more visibility in terms of being mentioned in other blogs or in main stream media publications, and done more interviews than even before on television, radio, and for print media.

We continue to be dedicated to bringing you the latest in California politics from the conservative perspective, and appreciate your continued patronage.  On a final note, we extend a BIG THANK YOU to our advertisers.  Without them, then FlashReport would not exist! 
Thank you again for being a loyal reader, and if you have any feedback or input on how we can improve the site, drop us a line (contact links are located in the top right corner of the page).
Jon Fleischman, Publisher
The FlashReport

One Response to “Seasons Greetings From The FlashReport!”

  1. Says:


    What about a “Happy Kwanzaa” too???

    Yes, Flashreport did have a good year and I wish for many more for you and your family.