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Jon Fleischman

McCain’s California Delegate List, and our blogger call with the Senator this morning…

I just got off of a national conservative blogger briefing with Senator John McCain, and let me tell you, that is one pumped up primary winner! He was with his colleague, Senator Lindsay Graham, and was very enthusiastic. I was going to ask the Senator about his campaign plans for California, since we’ve already begun to vote here. But it was like trying to call into a radio talk show, getting to ask a question. The format of these calls (and to the Senator’s credit, he holds them frequently) is that McCain talks for a few minutes, and then throws things open to Q&A. When that happens, the moderator tells you to push a button if you have a question. I swear to you my finger was ON the button at that time — and still, a half-dozen others ended up in the queue before me. Alas, I didn’t make the cut. Suffice it to say, though, that McCain (and he should be) is very upbeat today. (For a thorough write up from the call, check here on the NRO Blog.)

I’m sure that all 179 McCain supporters submitted as potential delegates… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

What We Should Have Discussed ON The CRP Call Today

I’ve been a member of the California Republican Party since 1993, an Executive Committee member since 1995, and Party Treasurer from 1999-2001. We had a conference call today with Chairman Ron Nehring to discuss strategy for 2008. While I will not get into the details on the call, I would like to make some observations:

1. The Governor left the State Party a steaming pile of crap, in the form of debt, from the 2006 campaign;

2. Not much has been done by the Governor, to be charitable, to help the Party retire it’s debt and build up a campaign war chest – he simply doesn’t care;

3. This is because, while the Governor, by virtue of being a (debatable) Republican, is traditionally the key fundraiser for the Party – this Governor’s actions convey a singular interest in one cause – his own approval ratings;

4. State Party Chairman Ron Nehring, like all previous State Party chairman, really can’t raise money apart from the help of a President and / or Governor – not Ron’s fault, although at some point, a chairman should at least TRY to raise money on his own;

5. So, the State… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The GOP Presidential Primary, and my chat with Giuliani Campaign Manager Mike DuHaime

California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring commented, after the results of the New Hampshire primary tonight that, “It’s clear following tonight’s results that Californians will vote before it’s clear who will carry each party’s banner into November. As a result, Californians have more influence over the ultimate result of this primary contest than at any time in recent memory.”

This is very true. As we get closer to the February 5 Super Duper Tuesday voting where California along with 23 other states will be holding their primaries, it becomes more and more likely that no candidates will have a real lock on their respective party’s nomination.

Before I pen some thoughts about the GOP Presidential primary, I want readers to know that as an elected officer of the California Republican Party, I have neither endorsed nor do I support any individual candidates in the race for the nomination…

**There is more – click the link**Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Few More Thoughts on the State of the State Address

It’s interesting to read around the internet the various responses, especially from legislators, to the Governor’s speech. For the most part, you have Republicans applauding the Governor’s commitment to spending reform, and to tackling our state government’s deficit through cuts in spending – and most notably not through increasing taxes (see below for a reminder that the Governor does want to raise taxes, just not for the budget shortfall).

In the meantime, Democrats are thrashing the Governor, throwing in their class-warfare rhetoric (as pointed out by Assemblyman Anthony Adams a few blog posts down).

For a little bit, I wondered if perhaps I was being a bit off-message as my early critique of the speech was that I found it to be, from a conservative perspective, a mixed bag. So I re-read the speech.

Given the four-alarm fire that is the condition of our state finances, it is clear that the portion of his speech that dealt with this issue was the central part, and the area that (rightfully) has garnered the most comment, and media attention. I am really looking forward to the Governor introducing his first budget draft on Thursday. Based… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The GOP Presidential Primary, and my chat with Giuliani Campaign Manager Mike DuHaime

California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring commented, after the results of the New Hampshire primary tonight that, “It’s clear following tonight’s results that Californians will vote before it’s clear who will carry each party’s banner into November. As a result, Californians have more influence over the ultimate result of this primary contest than at any time in recent memory.”

This is very true. As we get closer to the February 5 Super Duper Tuesday voting where California along with 23 other states will be holding their primaries, it becomes more and more likely that no candidates will have a real lock on their respective party’s nomination.

Before I pen some thoughts about the GOP Presidential primary, I want readers to know that as an elected officer of the California Republican Party, I have neither endorsed nor do I support any individual candidates in the race for the nomination…

As I reflect on the GOP results in the Granite State with John McCain coming in first place, nearly six points ahead of… Read More

Jill Buck

Mac is Back!

Not long ago, I visited my favorite spot in Sacramento…the hallway where then-Governor Reagan’s picture hangs. I never walk through the Capitol without going there for inspiration, and I never fail to receive it. There were 2 things about Ronald Reagan that I can never forget: his effervescent smile and his optimistic message. I never saw him in person, but each time I saw him on TV, the part of my soul that belongs exclusively to my Country was always stirred. He made me proud to be an American.The last time I visited that portrait, I felt sad. I had just attended a RJC event at the Reagan library, where I reminisced on some of my fondest political memories, and I couldn’t help missing the days when President Reagan constantly reminded us of all the good things about America, and all the reasons to be hopeful about the future. We just don’t hear that message much anymore.

But tonight, I heard a message that reminded me of the Great Communicator. Here is an excerpt from Senator McCain’s speech tonight that I found especially moving:

We are the makers of history, not its victims.

Whatever theRead More

Romney in the Hunt

New Hampshire is a cool 39 degrees and politics is in the air. I came here to observe the first in the nation Primary and support my candidate–Mitt Romney. With me here at the Romney HQ are dozens of California major donors and politicos.

Watching the results with me are former Assemblyman Tony Strickland, OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh, private equity guru John Clarey and insurance executive John Carvelli.

It looks like Mitt is the only constant in the race for president. Taking silver twice in a row.

While the media wants to anoint the nominees, this race is wide open still.

On the car ride into NH from Boston we talked politics with our driver. Everyone here follows politics here, at least every four years they do.

Having known Governor Romney for four years, I have seen him in action and have studied his background. I am hoping our campaign and the media better communicate that Mitt Romney is the greatest agent of change in the race for president – running from either party.

Tomorrow we get on the phones and raise money.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State of the State – Quick Analysis and The Text

Tomorrow morning I will have a bit lengthier critique of the Governor’s State of the State Address, but I thought I would post some immediate reaction, along with the full text of the speech (below) so that you have an opportunity to read it for yourself.

I think that I will preface my immediate comments by quoting an excerpt from the analysis given by Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Weintraub on his blog (free registration required), because I found these lines to be quite insightful:

It’s simply impossible anymore to categorize Schwarzenegger politically or ideologically. He is a fusion politician, taking ideas from the left and the right and the center as he sees fit. He is one of a kind.

It is not accurate to call him a moderate. In some ways he is a radical. All of his positions, taken together, might average out to somewhere near the center,Read More

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