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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Republican Party has a responsibility to protect itself: The Resolution

I introduced the following resolution to be considered at the upcoming California Republican Party Convention — and it is my full expectation that it will end up being withdrawn because I believe that our Republicans in the Capitol will hold the line against all of the liberals and special interest groups that want them to cave in, to punish taxpayers, and raise taxes by BILLIONS of dollars.

The political damage to the brand-name of Republican, if our party is associated with a massive tax increase in response to a massive over-spending created financial shortfall, would be horrific.  A GOP supported tax hike could very well be a precursor to a 2010 election cycle where Democrats take 2/3rd majorities in both chambers.  You have to look at that scenario if the GOP can no longer make the case that we will oppose new taxes…  Especially since virtually every Republican running for election or re-election in 2010 have signed a pledge to vote against new taxes, and to oppose efforts to raise taxes.

In just one day, I have already heard from almost 200 state central committee members expressing support.

**There is more – click the link**

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5 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: The Republican Party has a responsibility to protect itself: The Resolution”

  1. Says:

    No RINOS!!!! PERIOD!!

  2. Says:

    We got a look at the future a few weeks ago when the Democrats rammed through those unconstitutional “fee” increases. We must hang together on this critical issue or we we will continue on the road to Two California: Sweden on the coast and Mexico inland.

    It it clear that the Democrats running the state hold the taxpayers in contempt.

    The feeling is mutual.

  3. Says:

    This should also apply to the Congress-critters in Washington…any Republican voting for tax increases, bailouts, egregious earmarks or the Democrats’s miss-named stimulus plan should get a primary challenger. If the Republican Party is ever going to make a come back, we need to be militant about holding to the principles that Ronald Reagan articulated– that is smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom. If we cannot stand on principles, the Republican Party is finished.

  4. Says:

    Once again, Jon, you have gone off the rails to the far far right. In fact you are no longer on planet Earth. Planet Fleischman here we are. This reminds me of that old joke where the guy goes into a bank, points a gun to his head and yells “give me all your money or I’ll blow my head off.” And when everybody else in the bank starts to laugh he yells “Don’t laugh, or you’ll be the next one I shoot.” I hope someone gets to you, Jon, and convinces you to withdraw your resolution. And it is illustrative of what is wrong with the Republican Party in California that you have heard from 200 party members supporting this dumb idea.

  5. Says:

    Guess this resolution has a new life.