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Matthew J. Cunningham

Unbelievable: Entire Assembly GOP Caucus Endorsing Adams For Re-Election

From Capitol Alert:

This morning, Adams joined Assembly GOP leader Mike Villines and Assemblyman Roger Niello, R-Fair Oaks, as the three GOP votes needed, along with every Democrat, to pass the $40 billion budget deficit package in the lower house. The plan includes $15 billion in spending cuts, $12.8 billion in temporary tax increases, and $11.4 billion in borrowing.

By the time of the vote, Adams had gathered signed 2010 endorsements from every single Republican in the Assembly.

"While all the members may not feel the same way that I do about the matter, they are still very supportive of me and know that I’m doing this on principle and not for some giveaway or something like that," Adams said.


What does Adams have to do for his colleagues to yank their endorsements: Burn a picture of Ronald Reagan on the Assembly floor?

3 Responses to “Unbelievable: Entire Assembly GOP Caucus Endorsing Adams For Re-Election”

  1. Says:

    These guys are unreal.

  2. Says:

    Any Assembly member that does not yank their support is complicit in Adams’ action.

    California GOP: R.I.P. 1864-2009

  3. Says:

    The best thing the party can do is yank his chairmanship of the San Bernardino County Republican Party and maybe the caucus could get the message.